Enterprise Architecture

New technologies that promise to address the challenges of enterprise architecture arrive at an ever-increasing pace. The typical I.T. organization faces a constant barrage of hype on the latest tools and trends. BVMTech offers a full range of enterprise architecture services including rapid assessment, corporate technology strategy, infrastructure planning, and middleware implementation. We rapidly design and implement enterprise architectures and frame works that are open, secure, scalable, reliable and ready for future iteration.

Our range of enterprise architecture services can be configured to meet your specific needs. We help you do the following:

  • Rapidly generate stakeholder commitment to a common architectural vision that sets the stage for adoption, performance, and sustainable enterprise success
  • Integrate systems and processes across organizational and geographic boundaries
  • Gain timely visibility into operational and strategic data
  • Translate business requirements into a technology blueprint designed for flexibility, extensibility, and cost-effective performance
  • Adapt existing technology investments to meet changing business requirements quickly and effectively
  • Build a sustainable framework for all enterprise engineering initiatives, including software development, package solution evaluation, enterprise application integration, data warehousing, and commerce applications

BVMTech recognizes that today's successful enterprise architectures are complex arrays of best-of-breed applications, custom solutions, systems management, security management, business process management, and business activity monitoring. BVMTech believes the key to success is to avoid putting all your enterprise eggs into one basket